Lately I've been having thoughts... Thoughts that I've been reluctant to share on other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter) because of their increased visibility and/or character limitations. Lets face it: Facebook is fast becoming the elephant graveyard of honest intellectual expression. Rather than a select pride of regal lions or a noble troop of elephants discussing how best to perpetuate the circle of life on the golden savannah, over modest helpings of gazelle or grass or whatever, Facebook is now a craggy, bone-filled scar, dominated by shadows of over-sharing and elementary ideological sparring. Hyenas run rampant picking at bones and cackling one-sided platitudes at one another, while vultures are finally arriving with the realization that Facebook is the new forwarded email. (Did you hear that Obama just cancelled Christmas and re-named it Secular Holiday Day?)
I may come crawling back to you yet, Wastard, old friend. The grass was not greener.
TL:DR Can you keep your blog posts to less than 142 characters, please? Then I can retweet it. #youusebigwords #justlikeOBAMA #JKLOL #YOLO #theresnopictures #rumarried #JKLOLx2
Yay! Write more words, please.
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