Monday, October 13, 2008


I am coming up again. It's a long weekend btw, so I'll be there Friday night- Monday night. I'm glad that SUU has a deer hunt holiday. I never took hunters safety, so I don't hunt, but I'll take any holiday I can get. Even if it is to celebrate and facilitate the mass slaughter of fauna.


Caleb said...

"I never took hunters safety"

Your story about rabbit "hunting" demonstrate that sufficiently.

Caleb said...

Oh and I hope you are coming to a certain halloween party saturday. ask leah about it.

Daniel T said...

which story? there are several.

Unknown said...

do the words "redneck rampage" ring any bells! HAHA!

i remember wildly shooting at rabbits with my .44 mag off the back of a four wheeler and only later realizing i almost shot a deer hidden behind a tree... lol
